
研究生 & 助教奖学金

We understand the importance of financial assistance and practical experience in your field of study.

了解如何获得研究生助教奖学金, 探索为研究生量身定制的可用资助机会, and familiarize yourself with the necessary requirements to successfully earn your 研究生 degree at 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿. We are dedicated to helping you thrive academically and professionally as you pursue your advanced studies.


These positions are assigned by the student's department/program and are subject to the agreement between 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 and UAW/Graduate Employees Organization (GEO). All requests and inquiries for 研究生 assistantships should be directed to the Graduate Program Director (GPD) in a department/program.



在澳门新葡新京官方, 我们认识到研究在推进知识和促进创新方面的重要性. 这就是我们提供服务的原因 研究生研究基金, empowering 研究生 students to pursue their research goals and make meaningful contributions to their respective fields. 通过这些基金, 你可以获得研究相关费用的财政支持, 包括数据收集, 出差参加会议, 以及专门的设备.


虽然我们每年五月都会举行毕业典礼, 澳门新葡新京官方在五月颁发学位, 8月, 和12月. 任何高级学位的所有要求必须在学位授予日期之前完成. 提交毕业申请并阅读有关毕业和毕业典礼的常见问题解答.


All requirements for any advanced degrees to be awarded in a given degree-granting period (December, 五月, 8月)必须在学位日期前完成. 你的学位申请在注册办公室截止日期是 发表的最后期限. 除了, the $200 Graduation Processing Fee will be billed to your student account through the Bursar's office and can be paid using your previous payment methods. 联系 bursar@classiccustomupholstery.com 与毕业费和账单相关的问题.

The format guidelines for master's theses and doctoral dissertations contain information about the university's standard format for these requirements. 该出版物可从每个研究生项目主任, 或者研究生办公室的 & 研究.


The doctoral degree is conferred on 研究生 students who have met the following requirements:

成功ful completion of all courses and projects specified by the student's advisor or guidance committee within the guidelines of the candidate's 研究生 studies program and the Office of Graduate Studies and 研究.

Satisfactory completion of the foreign language requirements of the candidate's 研究生 program.

Registration for the required number of dissertation credits (see "Graduate Grading Policy").

通过该计划进行的初步综合考试或资格考试, 或者成功完成一篇合格的论文. 综合考试不及格的学生可以, 由审查委员会决定, 允许进行第二次和最后一次考试. On successful completion of the preliminary examination the student will be admitted to candidacy.

As soon as the student has passed the preliminary comprehensive examination and has been admitted to candidacy, the 研究生 program director of the candidate's program shall recommend to the dean of Graduate Studies the names of at least three members of the faculty to serve as a working dissertation committee. 提名的教员中至少有两名应来自候选人的专业.

Each dissertation committee must have one external member designated by the dean of Graduate Studies as the dean's representative. 由程序决定, 院长代表得自委员会成立之日起担任工作委员, 或者只能在答辩时参加. 无论哪种情况, the dean's representative is a voting member of 该委员会 and must sign the dissertation. 具体信息可从每个项目主任.

通过论文委员会进行的期末考试(至少部分是口头考试). 本检查将主要关注, 但不一定限于, 候选人的学位论文. This examination shall be scheduled when all the dissertation committee members and the Office of Graduate Studies agree that the dissertation is sufficiently complete to undergo defense; approval of the dissertation, 越过防守, 和/或推荐学位并不意味着安排这次考试.

It shall be the responsibility of the working dissertation committee to approve the dissertation project, 监督其执行, 并安排学生的期末考试. All members of 该委员会 must tentatively approve the dissertation before the final oral examination is scheduled, 并同意是时候举行这次考试了. 大多数项目要求学生就他或她的研究发表公开演讲, 通常在期末口试的当天. 期末口试本身由考生参加, 该委员会, 任何受邀的客人. 只有委员会成员才能投票, 学生只有在他们一致同意的情况下才能通过期末口试. If, 在期末考试中, 两名成员投了反对票, 考生将被告知他或她没有通过考试. 如果只有一票反对票, the degree will be held up pending satisfactory resolution of the objections by the student and the dissenting member of 该委员会. 最终的项目批准由研究生项目主任签字代表.

Documentation supplied by the 研究生 program director to the Office of Graduate Studies of each of the following stages in a doctoral student's progression. 标有星号的学生必须得到研究生院院长的书面批准:

  • 接受候选人资格
  • 论文委员会的组成*
  • 论文开题接受情况
  • 论文答辩意向声明*
  • 成功的国防
  • completion of the dissertation according to the University's guidelines for dissertation preparation*
  • 累积平均分为3分.在澳门新葡新京官方的所有课程中获得0分.
  • 如果候选人的项目要求,在大学全职居住一段时间. 实习期至少连续两个学期, 要么是秋-春,要么是春-秋序列. 才有资格成为全职学生, 学生每学期必须修满9个或以上学分, either in regular 研究生 courses or for doctoral dissertation credits (899) or in some combination of both. To be in residence a student must be physically present on the campus for some part of each week during the semester.


CAGS programs provide professional development for educators beyond the master's degree level. 所有学分必须在大学获得,考生必须保持3分.0的绩点. Students interested in pursuing the CAGS should contact the appropriate 研究生 program director.


硕士学位的基本要求如下. 学生应查阅个别项目说明了解进一步的要求.


Each master's program will include as a graduation requirement a capstone experience that may consist of, 但不必局限于, 一篇论文, 纸, 书面或口头综合考试, 或者是研讨会. 在论文选项的情况下, 这项工作将由一个至少由三名成员组成的委员会进行评估, 其中两名必须是澳门新葡新京官方的教员. 在其他选项的情况下, at least one faculty member other than the primary instructor must be involved in assessing the quality of the student's work.

有些课程要求毕业论文, 哪一项应由委员会监督, comprising members recommended by the 研究生 program director and approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies. 论文应遵循学校的论文准备指导, 并且需要正式的辩护. 论文必须得到委员会全体成员的同意, 代表项目的研究生项目主任, 以及研究生院院长. 提交论文的学生可以通过独立学习获得最多六个学分, 通过论文获得10个学分.



Course credits used by the student to fulfill the requirements for a master's degree may not be used by the student to fulfill the requirements for any other master's degree at this University.



Each academic program establishes foreign language requirements for its own advanced degree candidates. The program determines both the number of foreign languages and the level of competency required. A foreign language is defined for this requirement as a language other than the candidate's native tongue, in which there is a significant body of literature relevant to his or her academic discipline. “外语”一词不包括计算机语言.

有关教育与人类发展学院的信息, 访问他们的网站.





  • 在以下日期的晚上11:59(美国东部时间/美国东部时间), 你必须提交你的辩护和修改的论文/学位论文的副本, 您的节目内容的全部批准, 到研究生办公室(OGS) 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿/ProQuest/UMI ETD 网站.



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